Nonprofits are an essential part of any community. We are fortunate to have many nonprofits in our community that help make Red Lodge and Carbon County a great place to live.
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Short Description ABWF supports stewardship of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness and appreciation of all wildlands.
Short Description BareTooth Cupboards is dedicated to reducing hunger in Carbon County by providing food to those in need, while treating them with dignity and respect, and by focusing on outreach, advocacy, and education within the community.
Short Description Beartooth Billings Clinic provides local access to healthcare, closing the distance to key services needed in our rural community.
Short Description Beartooth Front Community Forum focuses on public education and involvement, and particularly seeks to promote thoughtful, constructive dialogue on issues affecting the region.
Short Description Beartooth Humane Alliance assists the people and animals of Carbon County, Montana, by helping companion animals in need, promoting responsible animal care through education, providing solutions to dog and cat overpopulation, and serving as an animal welfare resource.
Short Description Beartooth Trails' mission is to promote, develop, and maintain trails for non-motorized recreation and transportation activities in and near Red Lodge to improve the quality of life/health of residents and visitors.
Short Description Beta Sigma Phi is a social, cultural, and educational organization founded nationally in 1931 with the intention of helping women enrich their lives.
Short Description The Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County’s mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Short Description Buses of Yellowstone Preservation Trust's mission is historically preserving in original operating condition motorized vehicles used in Yellowstone National Park prior to WWII and the building in which they reside – all for the purpose of sharing with others the important role these vehicles played in the transportation history of the park and the building played in the commercial history of Red Lodge and surrounding area.
Short Description The mission of Carbon County 4-H is to educate youth and adults for living in a global and ever-changing world by using the resources of the Land Grant Universities and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.