Every 17 minutes, at least six Americans lose a loved one to suicide. Most did not have the chance to learn the warning signs.
With QPR training, you have an opportunity to make a difference and have the chance to help save a life. QPR is an evidence-based suicide prevention training and stands for Question, Persuade and Refer. Learn how to Question a person about suicide, Persuade someone to get help and Refer someone to the appropriate resource.
Much like CPR, the fundamentals of QPR are easily learned. QPR will help you to recognize the warning signs, clues and suicidal communications of people in trouble, and gain skills to act vigorously to prevent a possible tragedy.
Carbon County now has a person certified in QPR training. The training is 90 minutes and offered in groups of 5-25. The cost of QPR training is approximately $3 per person for the booklets plus the cost of mileage for the trainer.
If you would like to schedule a training for your team or learn more about this opportunity contact either Thesese Picasso-Edwards at therese@rlacf.org or (406)446-2820 or Erica Polson, RN at QPRcarboncountyMT@gmail.com or call her at (619) 318-1180