Preparing Our Students for Future Success
Our school district achieves a high percentage of students who graduate, as well as supporting undergraduate programs around Montana and nationally.
The goal of Youth Workforce Development is to boost Red Lodge’s career readiness efforts by partnering with local businesses and the schools to create a means for students to explore and gain hands-on experience in vocational opportunities that may suit them.
With your help, we can grant our students access to ‘the real world’ of productive employment and, hopefully, discover their passion!
If your organization is interested in establishing a shadowing or internship program, or enhancing the one you already have, please contact Brad at
Fill out the Employer Application to get started with the Summer Internship Program.
Jolie Davis is a sophomore at Belfry High School. Go Bats! Her interests are history, reading, and writing. During her time at the Carbon County Museum, Jolie showed remarkable work ethic and initiative, going about her tasks in a cheerful and unique manner. Ever interested in learning more, Jolie used her passion for healthcare to create an informative display on medical instruments, books, and “cure-alls” from the past. We look forward to seeing all she accomplishes in the future!
Berns Barker is a freshman at Red Lodge High School. His interests include reading and music. Berns was presented with the opportunity to work with volunteer, John Shoup, a longtime resident of the area, anthropologist in Middle Eastern studies, and bagpipe student of William Flockhart, Father of the Festival of Nations. Bern worked diligently in revamping the Festival of Nations Instrument Exhibit with his volunteer companion, helping to pay tribute to Red Lodge’s most treasured cultural event. We wish him all the best as he embarks on to high school!