The Early Childhood Grants provide funding to enhance the developmental, educational, and supportive environment of young children (aged 0-8) and their families.
Quality childcare encourages social and emotional growth enabling an easier transition into kindergarten. The advantages gained through early childhood education cannot be made up for later in life. When we invest in children we invest in our future.
Finding affordable childcare in Red Lodge is a struggle for some families, forcing some to choose between childcare and daily expenses. Because quality childcare is important, the Carbon County Early Childhood Coalition established the Early Childhood Grant Fund through the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation. This grant provides funding to early childhood programs that families might not otherwise afford.
Do you need funding?
The Early Childhood Fund Committee is accepting applications. The committee honors a 72-hour response time for grant requests. Funding will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. The current funding structure is $200 a month for 6 months towards childcare tuition payment or $100 a month for 6 months if your child already receives a scholarship for their tuition.
Additional Resources
LIFTS (Linking Infants & Families to Supports)