Want to make an impact in our community? Become an AmeriCorps VISTA in Red Lodge! We’re seeking applications to fill three new exciting AmeriCorps VISTA positions starting in January. These programs are being developed to help enhance our community: Affordable Housing, Para-medicine (filled) and Early Childhood Development. Applicants come from all over the country to Red Lodge for a one year term and help make a lasting impact in our community. Local applicants are highly encouraged!
Affordable Housing AmeriCorps VISTA
Affordable housing, both permanent and rental is seriously deficient in Red Lodge. An average household cannot afford to purchase a median-priced home and about 200 households are either low income or experiencing poverty. This VISTA member will help raise community awareness regarding the lack of affordable housing options and building a collaborative and collective response to address affordable housing issues in Red Lodge. This program will continue the impactful work that Habitat for Humanity did in our community for over 20 years. To learn more and apply for this position, click here.
Early Childhood Development AmeriCorps VISTA
There are approximately 160 children under the age of five in the Red Lodge area, and yet only around 30 licensed or registered childcare slots. The Early Childhood Development AmeriCorps VISTA will assess existing childcare providers, early childhood education programs, caregiver education and training, and other child-centered services and programs; work at increasing the number of registered childcare slots; grow the availability of early childhood-centered offerings; and increase access to early education programming in the Red Lodge area. This program is working closely with the OP&WE Edwards Foundation and local childcare providers. To apply for the Early Childhood Development VISTA position, click here.
Para-medicine AmeriCorps VISTA (FILLED)
Para-medicine is the unique domain of practice that represents the intersection of health care, public health, and public safety. Red Lodge area households that suffer from poverty or low income situations experience complications by the inability to access health-based services to meet all their needs. This position will help promote healthy futures by developing increased access to health care for those living in poverty or low income situations through the development of a rural para-medicine program that will create a coordinated approach to health. This program will work closely with Red Lodge EMS and with health and human service providers in our community. This position has been filled.