Stay Connected to Resilient Community, Read About What’s Going On As we come out of winter, we reflect on what we have learned and start planning for the future Mental Health in School A mental health curriculum was launched in the Red Lodge High School freshman and sophomore health classes. Forty-four students received education from Malcolm […]

Carbon County Selected to Join AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities On Friday, February 16, Carbon County was officially welcomed into AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly Communities. A culmination of nearly a year of work, this is a huge milestone for Carbon County and the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation. What began as a concern from a […]

On January 31 the Office of Public Assistance (OPA) in our county was closed due to state budget cuts.  This is a great loss to the community as the staff provided a tremendous resource that not only assisted clients with health coverage and benefit applications, but also shared their knowledge with several community service providers […]

Are you passionate about transportation services for Carbon County?   The Red Lodge Area Community Foundation is looking for community members, local government officials, and representatives of local organizations to join the Carbon County Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). The TAC will be an advisory group that assesses and prioritizes local transportation needs. Members will meet […]

Share Your Voice About Aging in the Community More than half of Carbon County residents are 50 years of age or older and this number is increasing by the day. This aging population trend is taking place all around the country, with the number of Americans ages 65 and older estimated to more than double […]